ClearCloud is a free service that checks every website address your computer is trying to access, whether you're browsing the internet, clicking a link in an email, or a program "under the hood" trying to communicate with servers for information or updates.
ClearCloud prevents you from being able to access known bad websites, sites that will download malicious files to your computer. Even better, ClearCloud prevents you from being able to access malicious websites that you may not even know your computer is trying to access — and it prevents potentially nasty programs from "phoning home" and secretly communicating between your computer and cybercriminals.
ClearCloud is part of the DNS network, and has access to every URL in the world. When you type in the URL in your browser and click "Go" or "Enter" your browser sends the URL to ClearCloud. ClearCloud looks it up in a table, checks it against the list of bad websites, and if it passes, sends back the numeric IP address so your browser knows where to go to get the web page. All in milliseconds.
If ClearCloud discovers that it's a bad URL, it sends back the IP address of our webpage that informs you about the malicious site.